Something Wonderful

Something Wonderful

is going to happen to me today.

Yep. You’re not dreaming. You really have read these awesome words before.


I whisper this mantra as I begin every brand new morning and yep, Randomness. I so love to yap about you tooooooo. Destiny, believing the universe places people on paths at just the right time and for just the right reason. And children. I love the viewpoints of children.


& when all of this super energy combines into one perfect moment ??


Gathered together to celebrate the Chicago Bears home opener because !! weeeeee !! we’re FULLY and yippeeeeee we  love those Bears and yahoooooo they WON, Life was a happy camper on Sunday afternoon.

But it wasn’t until we went to part ways when …


Bro, Sisters and I walked to their car ’cause we had a mishmash of miscellaneous-ness to exchange. As we BIG HUGGED and waved goodbye I seriously debated, grab this bag now or fetch it later ?? either way, patiently waiting inside of it were Smile TearDrop Nicey shy and Bubbles

and have I mentioned how I ADORE Little Libraries ??

So there we were back inside, talking amongst the noise of football and tvs and gleeeeeee and somewhere in this commotion, she quietly inquired, Are you a writer ?? 

Of course, my initial reaction was to duck and hide  but continue the conversation, we did. Turns out, our server  just happened to be a school counselor. And when she saw the passing back and forth of books and found out my stories are about feelings ??

And when Sister just happened to have extra copies of all five books to gift her ??

And when we exited that building with a WOW what just happened !??!

Yep, Universe, thankful I am for randomness

and destiny

and believing

and kids

and delightful, sharing souls

& YaY.

Something wonderful most definitely happened to US that day ….

& hey,  Simple Things ??

I ♥ you too.





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