Synonyms For Cloudy

Synonyms For Cloudy

It’s been cloudy around these parts for what seems like a million days and ugh Winter ! a smile of sunshine every now and again would be swell, please, oh please, oh pretty, pretty please

! 🙂 !

No ? Not feelin’ it yet ?

hmmm. ok, I understand and ever so patient, I’ll remain. But, let me remind you, my dear cranky friend, that even on your darkest of days, your worst of storms and your most hopeless of hopes there is always, ALWAYS  a glimmer of light.

Yep. Yep.

It is there.

Some. Where.

& sitting here this morn, staring at my laptop, contemplating the heaviness that oftentimes accompanies your bummer of an atmospheric condition, I glanced up

& BaM.

Light. Hope. Love.

For endless.

& yes,

we’ve soooooo got this.

Above The Rain

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