I Wrote

I Wrote

As I look back at sentences I wrote one year ago today …


Well here we are, 2019, the eve before the !! BIG COUNTDOWN !! where you and I will part ways, where you become my past tense. And normally at this time of year, I get all mushy-mushy with my words of goodbye and all promise-y promise-y with my vows of hello. It’s here where I solemnly swear to try and be and do and walk and watch and count and calculate andandand …

but YOU, my friend, have been one for the ages. YOU flipped things over and scrambled it up. YOU vaulted me out and placed me into. YOU, 2019, have changed me. You handed me a road I did not want to travel, with unknowns ruling the ride. You told me I could, I would, I must and offered me no choice. THIS is here, this is now. Deal.

& as I look back at the many pictures I snapped and the volume of scribble scrabbles written, I giggle with delight at my 365. For mixed up in the mish-mash of wait, what ?? I CAN’T !! is a colorful kaleidoscope of people and places and helpers and healers and events and happenings.


I realize how every year brings it’s own something and that it’s entirely up to ME, to YOU to each of us to decide. Positive or negative. Optimism or pessimism. Rise up or fall down. Bright-side or …

But DANG 2020. dang. The universe shifted under your watch. Lessons were absolutely everywhere and my hope upon hope upon wonderful hope is that we have learned,  we were made better.

One year ago today, I wrote …


I cherish your reasons, 2019, and I will carry them with me as I mosey into the new. Stay focused, I will. Look for the bright, I pledge. Remain enthusiastically grateful, I commit. Because you reminded me, with every year comes stuff.
I’m just happy to be here, STUFF.

It’s FAITH. It’s TRUST. It’s LOVE. It’s LIFE.


& I thank you, Life.

Thank. You.

Above The Rain