It’s Friday Friday Friday

It’s Friday Friday Friday

I don’t know about everybody else but, I have songs in my head all the time.
All day.
Every, single day.
It’s definitely a 24 / 7 kind of thing.

I’m assuming this is normal
& if it’s something I should be concerned about, I am long past the due date.

At least I know Younger Brother has the music in him too.
He and I text lyrics, randomly and whenever.
He receives whatever tune happens to be in my brain
& I receive whatever is strumming through my sibling’s brain.
Back and singingly, jingly forth.


When Son was a child, bath time always included Bobby Darin’s wonderful Splish Splash song.
‘Splish Splash I was taking a bath..!….’
Son and I sang that melody so much that at 4 years old he jumped onstage and karaoke-d it in a local, summertime beer tent
& yep
The crowd went wild.

My children’s names were each given a lovely, little name song.
First. Middle. Last.
Why ?
Because !
when they were in elementary school we had songs for just about every daily activity.
The Bus Song and Friday Song were most definitely the faves.

Take the bus home.
Take the bus home.
Take the bussssssss home.

It’s Friday
It’s Friday
It’s Friday Friday Friday…

Classics, I tell you.

On the days those darling children of mine pushed me to the edge and were thisclose to being planted on our infamous Bad Chair… ?
There’s a song for that too.

I. Love. Songs.
& I love singing.
Loooooove !!!!!
Oh & btw …
I am pretty darn positive I was a delightful combination of Adele and Janis Joplin in another lifetime.
Oh, yes.
Yes, I Was.

I’m so hoping all people go through life with musical notes floating happily in their head.
It really is quite enjoyable.
And if this is not the least bit typical ?


I don’t ever, ever want to know.


