You’re Right

You’re Right

You know I like to keep it positive around here, right ?
It’s true.
I do
& you also know what happens when I start thinking a smidge too much


but, I’ve been pondering things
& what I ponder, I write.
Here goes.

I sometimes think, that you sometimes think, that things cannot possibly be as chipper as the message I so often deliver
You are absolutely right.
They’re not.

Stuff happens.
It’s happened many times, actually.
But hey, it’s Life
& life offers a cornucopia of good and bad
& like a turn on a roller coaster, it can switch moods in a matter of seconds.
It’s rather intimidating
& downright overwhelming if one sits down to think about it

& I suppose I could offer up an occasional rundown of the not so swell things that have popped up on my life’s journey, along with a box of boo-hoos
I could
but, I wouldn’t
and I won’t
& here’s why.

Quite a few dozen years ago, I was caught in that negative spin
& what I sought, I found.
Looking back now, it seems I preferred a no can do over doable in every situation I encountered, topped off with a NOT AGAIN, Why Meeeeeee ?!!? attitude.


I always tipped no before yes
& I was forever caught in between yay or blahhhh, join the parade or hide under a cover.
Positive side versus Negative side
& it was nothing outright obvious ’cause that’s how I do, but believe me, it lived and it festered
& that doggone pessimist often ruled.

Until the day I hit my rock bottom.
The day my mama died became my turning point moment.
I survived THE most awfullest spot ever and my life s l o w l y, surely blossomed into wonderful.
It took Mom leaving hers to open up these eyeballs to mine.


& now ?
ohhhhh now.

The light is absolutely everywhere
& I do mean everywhere.
It jumps out,
it yearns to be seen and treasured
& today and every day beyond I promise you and I promise me I will ALWAYS choose positive.

Yep, Life
There will be high points and lows.
Nothing and everything.
Fears, flaws, dancing, crying.
Too much this and not enough that
& a mountain of lovelies in between.

So if you’re thinking that things can’t possibly be as chipper as the message I so often deliver,
you are absolutely right.
They’re not.

But, I’m here and you’re here and yay

! YaY !

Happy Today.


My Friend


4 Replies to “You’re Right”

  1. Great read, always a wonderful inspiration. Yes life might be easier if we didn’t have the “downs” to go with the “ups”. We learn to deal with the hand we got and not wish for something else.😎