Scribble Scrabble

Scribble Scrabble

Good morning text with pictures of Son and Grandson enjoying a night at the ballpark.

Early a.m. Wicker Walk with a wonderful soul.

Late morning baking for a busy weekend ahead.

Dad and Bro visit and help in moving a very heavy object.

Next Door Neighbor adding his muscles to the heavy object movement then hanging around afterwards to talk.

Sunshine and opened doors.

Sorting closets and packing boxes for an Amvets donation.

Afternoon conversations with Daughter #1 and Daughter #2

Picture and text from Sister of her granddaughter “and again!!” enjoying Smile

Just because bitmojis from silly people …

& STILL, I hunkered in that recliner yesterday evening with an underlying SOME. THING. just hovering around my head.

What ?? What can possibly be “wrong” ?? and why did I not feel the need to write AT ALL yesterday ?? & when Husband inquired if I felt the least bit guilty for not coming up with anything for my daily ramble of a blog ?? my reply was simply, “I have no words’

& there, right THERE, was my problem.

waaaaaaaa !!!

Why, with sooooooo many abundant delightfulness-es occurring around me are my sentences and paragraphs stammering, stuttering, full-on stopping ?? Dare I say this could very well be a case of the much dreaded ‘writer’s block’ ???? and if so, how long will it last ??!?



I’ll tell you what I did, I covered my head. I went to sleep.


& in that coveted space, I found my answer.

“Why Doubt?” “Continue Path” “You Got This” were the topic points of my dream visitors last night. I know this because the notebook I have beside my bed was filled with encouraging scribble-scrabbles, written in that glorious in-between of awake/asleep. Reminders of their tender brush by-s, of their hugging or tapping of my temple, of their whispered words of Oh, YES !!


and when I woke up, I felt a cloud lifted, an urge to express, an evaporation of that underlying something.

So, Hellooooooo Today !!

I anticipate much glee, many words and a whole lotta just because bitmojis



Oh Yes I Can