He’s Five

He’s Five



and I wonder where time goes … for it seems it was only yesterday when we met. Me, a first-time Gramma and he, a tiny, sleepily  swaddled, oh so new life.

We’d stare at each other those first few visits, neither of us knowing where this just-born road would go. Stare and stare. Ponder and ponder

& I’d travel every other month or so to see and be and help in any way with this bottled, bathed and cuddly boy. Stepping in, stepping out of his little every days with our once again, begin agains

… ummm, wait now, remind me who you are … ? …

& that smiling burst of recognition melting my heart every time.

We’d lay on the floor, we’d play on the floor, we’d sit then stand, we’d toddle and fall, we’d walk and run and sing and …

& suddenly, just like that !! we are going to his coach-pitch baseball game tonight.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Grandson #1

You opened my heart to a wonderfully unique world and I treasure every moment of where we were, of who we are and what we will become.

You are fun and silly.

You are thoughtful and kind.

You’re patient, yet strong-willed

& you are five.


and how I wonder where time goes …

A Kiss On My Shoulder