Happy Windows

Happy Windows

When my children were in their growing up years, wintertime windows were forever filled with condensation drawings.

Smiley Faces
(insert name) was here
Exclamation points
Flowers …

& waiting by the front door for the school bus to arrive was where the artisans would sketch their best work.

At the time I would joke, “I JUST washed that window ! ! It will NEVER be clean ….!…”
But honestly, I really didn’t mind.

Every brr, brrrr,  brrrrrr morning would bring fresh condensation
and those sweet, damp messages continued through the high school years, the college back and forth
& all those babysitting days.
Seems there was always some sort of cute, little drawing on that front door of mine.

Little messages of love
& happy.

I was reminded how much I miss those smudgies recently.
Youngest Daughter was home for the holidays.
She lives in Florida at the moment
& I can’t say for certain but, I’m pretty sure winter condensation designs aren’t happening all that much in that toasty state.

As we opened and shut the front door while she visited, Daughter was delighted to see that infamous window just waiting for her artistic talent.
Hearts, footprints and excited words decorate, once again.

Oh the joy !
For her.
& for me.

My window is smiling.

& I’m thinking …
I just might refresh that simple artwork each and every time time I walk out the door this Winter.


