There’s A Mouse In My House

There’s A Mouse In My House

I spotted him the other day as I hunkered on my recliner and with feet pulled instantly up !! I exclaimed, “eek ! I just saw a mouse !”

So off the recliner I tiptoed on a brave quest to the cabinet, for it is there I keep the poison pills because, I’m sorry little dude, if it’s a choice between you and me ??

uh huh

& just WHY in the world I felt the need to tiptoe remains a mystery.

Maybe the critter wouldn’t notice me with this epic, stealth of a move ? Maybe if I carried myself higher than usual I could avoid the beast ? Maybe tiptoeing helps turn on these running feet faster, if need be ?


Anyway, tippy-toe was my go-to, poison was placed and life went on

& normally, that would be the end of this story. Mouse would consume the green pill, run off someplace to expire and I’d never have to fret this moment again. Unfortunate for him but, Boom. Done.

But, this guy ?

I’ve named him Boldy because he is a daring son of a gun and yes, he is still wandering these halls. The ante has been upped though and new, fresh poison has been purchased because that first batch was a dud and I’m genuinely sorry, Boldy, but we CANNOT coexist !! You’re a mouse and I’m a scaredy cat and it’s as simple as that !! I hate to be a meanie but you must find a new home or perish and THAT is your only choice.



Uh, pardon me, as I have to STOMP my way into the kitchen now to retrieve my coffee because GIANT-like maneuvering is my latest, well thought out move. You see, being the quick-witted, able bodied human being in this establishment, I figure, if he hears me, he’ll run for cover …

& hmmm

Seems what we have here is ‘The Tale of boldy and STOMPY’

& yep. I guess we’ll be continued …


