We Done Good

We Done Good

They know us well.

We don’t do fancy, never have, never will. And we will run from that spotlight, so don’t you dare even think about it and seriously, don’t fuss !! It’s only a birthday and you KNOW we’d much rather celebrate someone else, like you or YOU,  just eek !! definitely not me or him or us.

But, the man they call Dad loves to fish and this lady named Mom finds her answers among trees, so they took that info and ran with it

& if you’ve wondered where my words and I have been these last few days ?? No worries. I’ve found me a little slice of Heaven.

The cabin of my dreams. A most pristine lake. Laughter, silliness, the busyness of grandsons, the pleasant, pure relaxation of a boat and a whole bunch of love.

Yeah. It was absolutely perfect

& as I sit here sipping my morning brew, pondering all these brand new memories, I think, dang !! You done good, my peeps !!

But looking back at the how’s and why’s and the many different roads it took to place each of us in this here and now ?? Here with all of you and every, little bit of your wonderfulness ??

I’m thinking, yeah. Your father and I have done pretty darn good too.

Thank YOU.
