Cheerful Giver

Cheerful Giver

I began my yesterday at a funeral. My friend’s mother gone too suddenly, too soon. Life turned upside down

& as I sat in that room fill with love and tears, memories of my own mama came flooding back. How she left, how I continued, how I impossibly survived without her by my side. I walked out of that service with an encompassing ache that stayed with me for the remainder of the day.


For my friend, her family. For me. For the world

& I thought, how very brief we are here.

!! HERE !!

& yet we fuss and we fight and we gripe and complain. We choose negativity. We ponder hate

& sometimes ? oooooooh sometimes !! I am so ready to pack it all up and call it quits. You won dark side. Are you satisfied ?? You flippin won.



I went for a walk to try and step over the cloud, to stroll away those blues and it helped. It always helps. But it wasn’t until I was hunkered back home that I released the cloak that insistently surrounded me.

As I was rereading the pamphlet I had received that very morning, a favorite Bible verse of the woman we honored jumped up, jumped out.

“Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.”

& it occurred to me, I need to be that cheerful giver !! & bam. My happy heart returned, my load, lightened.

It takes but a moment to be kind, encouraging, helpful, hopeful. To hand out smiles and joy. To love one another as we love ourselves.

I promise to do my part. Forever. For always.

& I thank, oh how I thank !! those simple, beautiful words brought to me by a extremely painful day.

Cheerful Giver.

I will. I’ll try.

I must.


I Am My Feelings