Alrighty Then

Alrighty Then

That is my ‘go to’ phrase
or so says the person that pays attention to these little idiosyncrasies of mine.

Alrighty then.

Husband claims I say these words when I’m walking out the door ready.
Ready to go to that appointment.
Ready to catch that flight.
Ready to jump in the car.
Ready to go….!….
What’s the holdup, man ?!?
Let’s GO.

Apparently, I pace too.

I did not know this about myself.
I’ll have to remember to thank Mr Lollygagger for that update.

Oh, words.
Sometimes you just slip right out of my mouth and set yourself free without a single thought from me 
& the older I get, the easier the escape.


I actually said “They can BITE. MY. #!!%$&#!!!!!!”  to my Father yesterday.
I was worked up about something or another and it just popped out.

As far as I know, that is the very first time I’ve ever cussed in front of Dad.
At least I think it’s the first.
Maybe not.


Dad didn’t care though.
He knows I don’t get lathered up into a tizzy all that often.
Chalk one up to tizzy.

Maybe I should start paying attention to what is tumbling out of my mouth.

I remember nudging Mom a time or two back in the day.
“MA !!”
“you can’t say that !!”
She’d just laughhhhhhh
& say it again
And I would think to myself  …”never ! I will NEVER ! …”

Hey Mom …
Never say Never.



I Am My Feelings