Gentle Reminders

Gentle Reminders

I’m finding it hard to concentrate this a.m. because they are visiting again
& I’d rather remain in my trance.

Such gorgeous creations.
So stealth, so peaceful.

Every once in awhile one of them cautiously glances my way but, they have seen this orange sweatshirt many times before.
I mean no harm.

I stare.
I cannot stop staring 
I’m fascinated and comforted.
I find a simple form of majestic in their presence.

I think what intrigues me most about these creatures, is their quietly sudden appearance.
I look up and wow.


They are my reminders, my cue.
My tranquil confidence.

I may not see,
I might not realize
& quite often, it’s impossible to comprehend but,
I believe
so shhhhh.

Just shhhhh.

Off they go back into the harbor of the trees, the noises of the morning becoming too busy
& what they will do throughout this today remains something I will never know

ooooooh ! but, I know
I thank you Nature, for revealing yet another reason why,
I know.


I Am My Feelings