So, as promised to me, I made it back,

Beginning Again

with a revamped route,

a whole new outlook,

and a revitalized ahhhhh.

DANG. I love this dot on the map.

And as I enjoyed the tranquility, as I quieted the noise, as I Good Morning, connected with souls who feel the same, lovely vibe, I couldn’t help but whisper a wish, that maybe, maybe ?? each and every day could inch it’s way to this,
to delightfully pleasant,
for you,
for me,
for all,
for US.

I promise, I’m trying, Life,
with my words,
with my actions,
with stepping away from a continuum of negativity,
with searching, discovering, acknowledging, the similarities, the uniqueness, the absolute wonderment of this space we share,
with starting fresh each a.m.
& making my way back to a place

where anything and everything seems so, soooooo possible.

Happy Tuesday, my friends, with BIG HUG hope, you’ve found yours too.


Today’s Song