Hopping To It

Hopping To It

Well WoW.
They say, time flies, and yep, I have to agree, ’cause a glance at my calendar informs, in 20 short days, those who celebrate, will be exclaiming !! HAPPY EASTER !!

Wait, WHAT ??!??  your organized self wonders, as you count, to be sure.

It’s true, I reply.
And this may seem odd, coming from a self-proclaimed, million excuses to hold off,  dilly-dallier of a procrastinator, but hey, maybe I’m changing my ways …


Either way, today, I thought I’d offer a hop to it, head’s up to those who are thinking !! Easter Baskets !!
with a p.s. of …  I don’t promote near as much as I should, so please enjoy this moment while it lasts.


Smile is on an adventure to change the world. This is a fun, interactive story, with Smile asking questions, offering grins and seeking suggestions from the reader along the way.

children's book

A melancholy character named TearDrop talks directly to the reader about the sometimes overwhelming emotion of sadness, and with their help, TearDrop is happy once again







Nicey explains how incredibly simple it is and how happy one feels to share kindness with others.







shy, taps into this reserved emotion with the acknowledgement that it is ok to be quiet and unassuming. Explained in simple, reassuring words and colorful pictures, shy is sure to comfort a bashful someone’s heart.

Bubbles describes situations in which the reader might feel nervous. Interactive and compassionate, Bubbles explains how everyone in the world, at some moment or another, feels this perfectly natural sensation.

Feeling unappreciated, this gentle character decides to “run away”. Packed and ready, LOVE overhears family expressing how important LOVE is in their life. This interactive story teaches the young reader the power of this beautiful, sincere emotion.

A young soul. A tree. A true life, straight from my heart tale of Collin, his devotion to my BIG BALD tree and the absolute joy of discovering the awesomeness of different.

An extra touch of adorableness to your packages of glee, with BIG HUG appreciation from I’ll most likely stall until the last minute and I’m not very good at self-promotion, Me.

♥ 🙂 ♥







Collin and the BIG BALD TREE