& 7 Children’s Books Too

& 7 Children’s Books Too

Just two days ago, I wrote,

21 Poems

where I contentedly gushed over my adoration of poems.
It’s true.
I adore reading.
I adore writing.


What I absolutely do not adore, is self promotion.
So what you see, is what you get, peeps.
I’ll place my writings and ramblings upon this blog, where I leave it up to you, dear someone, to read, if you wish, share, if you’d like, as I’m most likely off in daydream land, pondering the next biz I’m going to pen.
hmmmm …

There may be some among us who may not yet realize, I have 7 children’s books out and about in this world too.
Yep. Yep.
Little Libraries are their favorite place to hang,

Tiny fingers, they love best.

& Amazon, is where they hunker.

Smile TearDrop Nicey shy Bubbles  LOVE
and Collin and the Big Bald Tree

& YaY,
there ya go,
self promoting at it’s finest, if I do say so myself.

(applause, applause)

Have yourself a wonderful today, my friends.
Thank you for visiting this space,
thank you for telling others,
thank YOU for consistently doing what you do

& um,
as for me ??

you know where I’ll be.


Today’s Song