The shhhh View
We’d tiptoe to the balcony, early a.m.
& shhhhh, we’d whisper, shhhhh we have to stay quiet ’cause people are sleeping.
And as we waited on the sunrise, Grandson with his tablet, me, staring at the Atlantic Ocean, together in the hush of it all, we discovered a pattern.
Gee, that bird is chirpy !! we one morning declared. Good day to you toooo, Mr. Happy because, yep, first thing, there his singular singsong would greet, delighted to share our company, gleeful with his tune.
& yay.
What a perfect way to begin a new 24.
Next, came the Flashlight People with their beams of bright. Left to right, right to left, those lights would back and forth travel & hmmm, Grandson and I wondered. Were they wandering the shore searching for treasures or simply enjoying the sound of the waves ??
Then came the Worker Guys. Setting up, taking down, replacing what needed to be replaced, vacuuming pools, tidying here, there, preparing for their guests. Like clockwork, there they’d each and every be.
& finally, our favorite part of all.
! ! ! ! ! The Sunrise Viewers ! ! ! ! !
arriving one, two, three at a time. Strolling, jogging, meditating, patiently waiting for that beautiful ball of orange.
And when she made her grand entrance, stopped in their tracks they would stand,
tiny specs of human beings, frozen, awed, appreciative of this awesomeness called life.
For those loyal to my words, memory might tell you, this time last April I stood on that same beach, mesmerized.
& some might ask why I chose the view from above, this vacation.
Easy, sighs the notes I jotted on that early morning balcony.
So. Easy.
Thanks for the memories and those awesome patterns, Grandson(s)
& shhhh, shhhhh, we have to stay quiet, ’cause people are sleeping.
♥ ♥ ♥
Well, some people anyway.