

The complexity of the number is much too staggering to even begin to comprehend. But taken by one.

Her story.

Plus one.

His story.

Plus one.

Their story.

Plus one.

Each story.

PlusonePlusonePlusonePlusonePlusone … and I seriously could sit right down and all out cry for every, single, unique individual taken by the beast dubbed Covid-19. And it’s those STORIES that consume me most, especially with holiday happenings happening here, happening now.

It’s called PBS American Portrait and every once in awhile, I take a peek or add my words. This morning, I answered their The Tradition I Carry On Is …   with a snippet of the Heath Wealth and Happy blog I share on Christmas Eve. Once I accomplished that task, I scrolled along checking out the many faces, the happy moments  …

& that’s when the realization of Corona hit hard.


Moms. Dads. Sisters. Brothers. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins. Grandmas. Grandpas. Friends. Acquaintances. Co-workers. Neighbors.  Each with a life, a family, a someone, a something, a history, a heritage, a this, a that which eventually evolved into a wonderfully distinct, and incredibly specialized tale to tell

and I need you to know, I’m thinking about you today, One.








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