

days, that is, since they said I do and today, I reminisce.

Like the time he called to say he met someone, with that little, bitty extra in his voice, as if he already knew. Or hearing her tell her side of their story of just happening to be in that place at that time.

Welcoming her into our world of Chicago Bears and IU tailgates, of family parties and karaoke, of here, there, back, forth, always busy busyness was something she hadn’t yet experienced at that level of extreme. And I’ll wager there were plenty o’ times she felt these people are CRAZY !! But, here we are, 10 years later and she’s found her footing and forever place in our hearts.

As his Mom, my innermost wish was for him to find his balance-r, the one who’d take what he offers and equal it with her own unique energy. I’m thankful to know he has, she does and they do.

Happy 3,650 J & M. From where you’ve been to where you’re going, I love the reminisce and am sooooo enjoying the view.

! ♥ ♥ !

oh and those two absolutely extremely perfect grand-boys you’ve gifted me ??

yep. yep.

Them too.

🙂 🙂

With You For You And You