I Am Woman

I Am Woman

To the women in my life on this Mother’s Day Eve.
This one’s for you.

Thank you Elizabeth Gilbert.
Your words are awesome ! !
They express exactly how I feel about the women I have known throughout my life.

Grandmas, Mom, Aunts, Sisters.
Daughters, Nieces, Cousins, Friends.
My hardworking, non stopping, strong willed, determined, loving, amazing women.

You took each day as it came.
You take each day as it comes.
The good, the bad and everything in between.
You handled.
You manage.
You do.

Today I applaud each and every single one of you.
You shaped me. I am who I am because of YOU
& I very much appreciate your incredible life lessons.

It’s been a privilege and a pleasure ladies !
& yes.
You ARE my superheroes.

For. Sure.


Oh Yes I Can