

The way I figured and what I repeatably repeated was low-key, noooooo biggie, shhhh, it can wait, we’ll celebrate asap … and I honestly meant every word. THIS birthday would be different given the quarantine, the social distancing, the stay home request and the monster known as Covid so, ok, I’ll adjust. And since I’m a keep that spotlight off of me kind of gal, a hush-hush birthday it would be.


A hint of what was to come was offered as I happily cut grass the day before my let’s  keep it a secret  day.  Locked into my chore and songs, there he be, Engelbert Humperdinck, Mom’s all-time favorite, singing one of his best. And I smiled, remembering how adding Mr H. to my playlist after Mom died was a brilliant move. His tunes healed my heart, (Their Music) so sing away, E ! I thought, as my mower and I moved along. Funny thing though, on the trek to get the lawn chopped, on this has never ! ever! happened to my SHUFFLED playlist before, I heard every single one of those 20 or so Engelbert serenades. ALL. OF. THEM.

& Hi Mom !! I giggled

From that moment on

as that warm breeze frolicked through my windows, I was blessed with simple, kindhearted randomness.

My mantra throughout this Corona ordeal has been we will do it BIG when this is over. We will Celebrate EVERYTHING !! so make a list, my peeps, cause we’ll be placing our joy on a poster board of HAPPY as we gather to hug and laugh and share and high five andandand …

& I think we’re going to need one heck of a supersized board.

Thank YOU for doing your part in celebrating my

on this earth with your beautiful reminder, we are alllllll in this together !!

Hush-Hush Birthday ?? yeah. right. nice. try. not with this group.

Happy I be. Appreciative I am.

& you.


