

I have BREAKING NEWS on this bright and shiny Monday morning !
The second story of my I Am My Feelings series is now a paperback book !! & yep !! It’s available right now, this very minute !! today !! on Amazon


& isn’t he the CUTEST ??!?

Toby Mikle and his mybookillustrator.com
have hit my perfect button, yet again. I told the man to pretty please create a teardrop named Teardrop and ♥ ta-da ♥ ! ! !

& just in case you’re wondering who the heck and what in the world ?? Here’s a little excerpt …

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Oooooooooooooo Oh.  Hello. I did not see you there. What is your name? My name is Teardrop and I am sad. I feel like crying and crying and crying and I do not know why. I was playing with my toys and thinking about things when – all of a sudden – TEARS!

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Teardrop continues the conversation about his sadness with the reader and as he does, they discover ways to feel happy again …

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Remember this the next time YOU are feeling sad.
I mean really sad, so sad that you do not know what to do. Well…. now you know what to do!
You can talk to someone and tell them or You can write it down
You can draw a picture. I am sure once you do, you will feel better.

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I so hope you and all those little someones in your life enjoy my story !! because as I’ve often said about Smile if my words can become that tossed about, smudged up, colored in, read to every night, favorite book in their treasured childhood memories ??


Thank. YOU.