

Pardon me if you’ve heard this a time or too many before but I’m so !! excited !! about Smile’s newest adventure that I’m finding it near impossible to contain my gleeeeeee !!

& I’m pretty positive we all remember my story, Smile but, just in case, here’s a recap.

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Put a little smile on your face and make it a happy day.

Those words popped into my head when my youngest sister was three, maybe four years old.
I attached a fancy little tune to them and I would sing my song quite often.
It made her giggle.
Every. Time
& sometimes Youngest Sister would sing my song to me
& I would smile.
Every. Time.

Those thirteen little words have followed me through the years.
I’d pull them out and sing them loud and proud when my children were feeling the grumps
& I’ve used them on Older Brother multiple times.
Still do
& to this day, try as he might, he is laughing by the time I get to the second verse.

There is a second verse.
It’s the same as the first.

I love those words !
I love them so much I wrote a story around them.
The main character is a smile named Smile who goes on a determined adventure to hand big grins to the world, one person at a time
& Smile’s motto is … ? …
You guessed it.

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& I’m somewhat certain we’ve all been informed of Smile’s recent quest into eBook Land but, just to be sure we are all on the same page, here are a few links …


The Kindle Store

& I KNOW Toby Mikle is my favorite sketch guy …


But here’s a NEWS FLASH you ain’t EVER heard before !!

“Your paperback book is available in the Amazon store.”

That’s right, PAPERBACK !! I now have a true blue, hold in your hands, flip those pages and read it to the children BOOK book !! and it’s sitting in Amazon.

!! Look !!


Fingers crossed you love him as much as I love him because this has been a L O N G time coming but, here we are !! my dream is happening !!

& the very best part of all of this is your love and support for which I am endlessly and incredibly grateful. I wouldn’t, I couldn’t be here and now without YOU. Many thanks and BIG HUGS seem rather minuscule but please know they come from the inner, most happiest portion of my heart. You have brought me a continual grin and Smile and I sooooo hope to return that favor.

Enjoy !!

& keep smiling.



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