Good Cause

Good Cause

I’ve always wanted a walking stick

& it’s not like I need one in my daily routine and it’s not like I’d use it a whole heck of a lot and it would probably just collect dust in the corner of the room I’ve dubbed, ‘office’ but, by golly !! I just feel the need to have a walking stick in my life

& guess what ?? now, I have one !!

& my brand new walking stick makes me soooo happy because it is filled with hope and carved from a black walnut tree by a kind soul who knows how to make these things.

I purchased it this past Sunday to help in my search of a leprechaun. Yes, you heard right, leprechaun.

Walking through thistles and bristles and brush, I was informed those critters could be ANYWHERE on this 186 acre retreat. Family, walking stick and I spent minute upon minute searching for those sneaky little guys but, alas, they were destined to be discovered by others but, that’s ok. FUN times were had by all and that’s really all that matters.

Oh, Good Cause !! How I ADORE a Good Cause !!

& what I love most is the coordination of kind folks. Coming and working together to make these delightful events happen !! Good vibes, a mountain of jolly and we all go home feeling bright and light and warm and cuddly !! & all it takes is one to get the ball rolling.

One person.

One idea.

One ‘we can do it !’

One uplifting notion and bam !! the joy that surrounds and follows is absolutely palpable !!

Please keep doing what you do, Good Cause !! because you awaken the wonderful in everyone !! You remind us who we are and what we can accomplish and you continually show us that Love is here to stay !!


& my new favorite walking stick will, from now until forever, represent more !! so, soooooo much more !!


I Am My Feelings