Build It
Canadian homeowner built a path instead of a fence when he noticed locals cutting through his property
& if THAT ain’t the most beautiful headline I’ve seen all week, I sure don’t know what would be better.
Think about it.
This man could have had an attitude.
He could have thrown a GET OFF MY LAWN !! fit.
He could have put up a fence or tossed anger and disgust and his huffy-puffiness out into this world.
He could have made a whole lotta enemies.
Instead, HE BUILT A PATH !
& I find that simple act of kindness absolutely heartwarming and I’m going to think of this kind soul and his amazing deed each and every time I am placed in a ‘what to do’ moment.
Open or close ?
Accept or reject ?
Create or destroy ?
Love or hate ?
From now until forever, I promise !! I’ll be building that path.