Bar None

Bar None

A condition that occurs from spending an excessive amount of time/money at the bar (usually Sunday Football) so that you begin to rely on your elbows to support the intoxicated mess you have become. When you awake the next morning, not only will you find yourself with a fierce hangover, your elbows have scabbed over entirely because you have rubbed the skin raw trying not to fall out of your bar seat from the day before.
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Well, ok then, Urban Dictionary
I guess it IS a real thing
& here I am, after all this time,
all these years, figuring it was a silly something my mama invented.
Before you go imagining a bunch of unimaginable things about me, let me sort out a few facts.
I was in a bar last Saturday.
It was Polka Day at a local establishment and Big Bro is a BIG FAN, so we attached ourselves to him to share his glee
& just so you know,
the tables were picnic style-ish
& that, right there !! should have been my first alert.
I was lost in the joy.
I did not pay attention
& truth be told ?
I have a very bad habit of elbow leaning.
I know proper etiquette says ‘SHAME !!’ but, it is what it is,
I bend in to talk
and my elbows are my tee, my balance, my go-to
& Yes.
After the polka fun was over, Family and I settled in my backyard to continue our revelry
& yep, there sat another picnic table.
yap yap yap
lean lean lean
! ! FUN ! !
Next day arrives.
What’s this ?!??
Both of my elbows were sore and reddish
& I think ….
& the reason I am telling you this quick, little story on the eve of a
L O N G,
fun filled,
outdoor packed,
spirit drinking,
summery feeling, holiday weekend ??
Watch out for those picnic tables, my peeps.