One America
Sister and I walked 13.1 miles yesterday.
‘Tis the first weekend of May and #IndyMini has become our tradition.
It’s what we love.
It’s what we do
but to say we are in it simply to collect those steps would be an incredible understatement.
Happy Land.
There is no better way to describe
& if you’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing the pure joy of it all, I insist, you MUST !!
because the positive energy surrounding a marathon is like no other.
People and people and more people walking and laughing and chatting and talking.
Filled to the brim with glee and kindness,
hospitality and friendship.
Santa Claus was there, all dressed up and jolly
& as we began this long walk of ours ?
Oh Yeah.
The Jesus high fivers.
The bag pipe guy
The cloggers, polka boys, square dancers
& band after band after band, volunteering their precious time to keep us determined participants entertained and motivated.
Walking through the neighborhoods is my favorite.
Families and kids with pots and pans and any kind of noisemaker you can think of sitting in their front yards cheering for these crazy strangers who insist upon running the run and walking the walk.
New this year was the Gold Star Mile.
Pictures, faces, time standing still.
One solid stretch on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Our reminder of those who gave it all for us, for this place we call home.
The Diana Ross lookalike ?
We look forward to her beautiful sparkle because at that point in this ever so tedious trek her brightness elevates
& we realize …
Oh Yes.
Yes we can.
& just when we think this 13.1 will never, ever, EVER end there is the man before the bridge.
Every year.
Every time.
“You’re almost there. You’re almost there.”
He doesn’t know this, but I love him so.
Oh people.
Your simple acts, your genuineness, your sincerity.
You are my annual keepsake.
I applaud.
I appreciate.
I KNOW we are truly one, America.