

As many of you know, I have been happily chugging along with this dream of mine for awhile now.
Words pop into my head.
I write the words down.
I place them here.

I have created many a poem, children’s story and yes …these rambly, rambling thoughts
& it’s all good.
I plan on following this road to wherever it leads.

Occasionally, I come across some fine people I like to call my doubters.
“You’re stillllll writing ?!??? “

Uh, Yep. 

There was a time when the pessimists really bothered me.
I’d make up silly excuses, babble some kind of something and hurriedly change the subject.

They don’t bother me anymore.
I made a promise to myself to follow my heart and I am not looking back.

I’m searching for eyeballs, is what I am doing.
Wonderfully optimistic eyeballs who see things like I see things.
I know those eyeballs are out there, everywhere
& together we can, will change the world.

So to all my fellow dreamers, I’d like to say …
Keep following your heart.
Keep believing your dream
& never, ever stop seeking those hopeful, encouraging, beautiful eyeballs.

And to the gloomy doomies out there …??
I wish you a very, very nice day.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


I Am My Feelings