Raindrops Keep Falling …

Raindrops Keep Falling …

I got caught in the rain the other day.

I had fair warning….the sky looked like rain…there were a few sprinkles in the air…
But …I was really enjoying my walk.
I thought I could get one more lap in before it started pouring.

It started pouring.

So there I was walking in the rain trying to act like I was prepared for a soaking ….
Yes. Yes. I PLANNED on walking in the rain today !!

But….I kept walking….
I grumbled all the way back to my car …but… I kept walking.

Got home.
Dried off.
Life went on.

Then I got to thinking …

That’s not the first time I’ve been “rained’ on and it certainly won’t be the last.
My advice to me is Just. Keep.Walking.
Stay on that path.

It always stops raining…the sun will eventually shine.
It does get better.
It always gets better !

So next time I calculate the weather wrong and I end up getting soaked …?
I just might be singing in the rain !!
