♥ Doing ♥

♥ Doing ♥

Hey there, Fellow Dreamers
I hope you’re having a super fine morning, and before you get too busy with your day, I have a question.

Do you ever listen to a song or view someone’s creation or hear words or read a good book or see a piece of art or watch an actor acting or taste a fancy meal or any of the infinite number of things your heart may be telling you to pursue and think to yourself ! HEY ! I can do THAT !! and just when you promise THIS TIME !! YaY THIS TIME I’ll hop to it and doooooo !!

reality appears
doubt rises
you tuck away your moment
you get back to busy.
You push aside your drumbeat of an inner voice and you lose that awesome energy
and … again … and …

Uh. Huh.
Me. Too.

& just in case I haven’t told you ten zillion times …
I have stack upon stack of blog posts and notebooks and words and scribbles and scrabbles and rambles and daily reminders of my very own I CAN DO THAT !!

and each and every time I taunt myself with a STOP. THIS. NONSENSE. reaction to another person’s accomplishments ??

just shhhhh

I’m doing.
And in the hustle bustle of this beautiful ride called Life, I’ll continue to do because writing brightens my soul.

Will I ever reach the tippy-top pinnacle of ultimate fame, popularity and fortune ?
Beats me !!
and honestly ? that sort of wondering doesn’t concern or consume me anymore.
I have found my thing, my source, my reason, my happy

and I guarantee !! if YOU feel it and YOU follow it and YOU keep on keeping on despite all the bumps and lumps and sidetracks and zig-zaggys this world may offer, YOU will find yours too.
And the next time THIS TIME !!  rolls around, you will know, deep inside
oh yes, you can
oh yes, you will

Oh Yes, You DO.


Oh Yes I Can