Accordingly Adjusted

Accordingly Adjusted

This is half of what greets my eyeballs as I open the front door
and yes, the other is it’s identical twin.
And if I were a betting soul, I’d place a wager on 1,000 ?? nah, 750, no, 825 !??!
Maybe I’ll count as I ever so tidily stack, so I can finally solve this internal mystery.
never mind.
I promise these words every time and I never, ever calculate.
And whyyyyyy the process of this daunting task fills my insides with gleeeeeee is absolutely beyond me.
I assume I was a pioneer somewhere in another lifetime, it’s in my DNA  …


A wood stove is how we do Winter in this house.
We’ve heated this way for yearssssss.
Finally broke down and bought a furnace in 2019, to add balance when those northern winds come-a-calling and it does a swell job, but there’s nothing like the warmth of wood.
It is cozy, at her best. FOR. SURE.

Back in the day, seeing this view hunkered in my driveway would set me into a whirlwind of panic because because BECAUSE it’s THERE and it’s BIG and WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS THINK andandand my gotta dooooooooo self would rush right into a !! get ‘er DONE !! mode as I’d frantically call in the troops (aka family) for their let’s get to it, now. Now. !! NOW !! assistance.


These days though ?? chill, I sooooo am.
I bring some in, I move some here, I pick up there, I maneuver or I don’t and when the moment arrives when I’m really, REALLY feeling it ?? calmness in my heart I feel, music in my ears, I accomplish.
And who needs a gym when you can transfer a gigantic heap instead ??


So why am I spilling timber secrets this brand new, a.m. ??

Slow. Steady.

yep. yep.

It’s my mantra, my guide, my answer to everything.
Stop and smell the roses,
don’t sweat the small stuff,
follow your voice
listen to the universe
&  shhhhh, the older, wiser, content me advises …


On that delightful vibe, enjoy your 24, my friends,

& adjust your woodpile accordingly.


‘Cause Jesus Told Me So