Early :) Birds

Early :) Birds

Oh, the chatter-y singsong of it all, and if I didn’t love them so much, annoyed, I’d be.
‘Twas 3:30 or thereabouts on this brand new today when one, singular someone decided it was time
and it sure didn’t take the others long to tune up their tonsils and jump into the choir


Pretty sure I’ve never heard them this exuberant at such an early hour

! tweet ! tweet !

! chirp ! chirp !

Yes, I’m pondering birds and their simple symphony again, because their togetherness truly, always amazes me. All those little, bitty creatures in tune and united, perfecting their most awesome composition. Some carrying a lighter note, others with a louder, boisterous anthem. But there they are, in the background of my every single day, reminding me of just how beautiful combined and cooperative can be

& now, as I’m one coffee cup in and wide awake, solos and a comfortable hum are on their playlist.
I guess they’ve made their point.

And I think, yep.

Lesson learned.

