Beautiful Music

Beautiful Music

Retrieved from the archives, because I woke up with this toe-tapper dancin’ through my brain.


Every so often, out of nowhere, just because, he will send me a song.
And appreciate, I very much do ’cause he realizes I adore the mushy-mushy tug at the heartstrings tunes
and Barry, he knows I ! ♥ ! Barry.

So there I was a few weeks back, minding my own biz, when all of a sudden

& !! weeeee !! I haven’t heard this song in years !! YEARS !! so thanks, my friend !! You handed me a boost of positivity at a moment I needed it most and well, here you go, Everybody … take a listen …

Beautiful Music

& umm, just WHY ???? am I gifting you this delightful composition on today of all days ?!?

What. Lots. Of. Believin’. Could. Do.

THAT’S why.

& at the risk of repeating what I’ve repeated so, soooooo many times,
I repeat …

In impossible and improbable.
In it will
It does
& it can.

BELIEVE that anything is attainable
& dreams really do come true.

In miracles.

& do me a favor while you’re at it, please.
Determinedly, but politely, shoo away any of the I told you so, it’ll never happenho-hum and things will never change you may meet along your way.
Because doubters love to doubt.
Practicals forever analyze
& cynics continually scoff.

But believers ?!?

They trust.
They hope.
They know.
One day.
It will.
It does.
It can.
Oh YES, it can.

From now until forever.
Beautifully and simply and for always
& always
& always …


& on that splendid note, have yourself a very, Barry, singsong-y, friend-texting-perfectly-timed-melodies, absolutely LOVELY today.



‘Cause Jesus Told Me So