Hey Notebook

Hey Notebook

Truth be told ??
This gig called writing was a zillion times easier when it was our little secret.
Pen to paper to dresser drawer.
But out there in the universe, my words now live, and …
Now would be the perfect time to exit this building, dear readers of these rambles, ’cause stuck in a feel sorry for me hole, I be in. And although I promise a daily dose of positivity, every once in a while a creature dubbed, ARGH, strolls itself in, sits itself down
and argh.
No worries. You know I’ll get over it. Come tomorrow, I’ll be back on my way too many ! ! !  vibe,
but right here, right now, in this moment in time …
Yep, I miss you, Notebook.
The safe-zone you provided was kinda sorta really awesome. No hurt, no cares, no should I, shouldn’t I …
just you and me and …
& it seems to me, my stories, my poems, my syllable upon syllable, sentence upon sentence, paragraph upon paragraph upon sooooo many paragraphs deserve a heck of a lot more than nothing.

Hey Notebook ??

you know, I love you dearly, but share, I must

Oh Yes I Can

& so, I will.
