Say Nice

Say Nice

Remember when your parents would remind,
If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all !! ??
Me too

& yet, here we are, day after day,
complaining and fussin’ and carrying on about every little everything.
So today ?
Today I am repeating my list of simple wishes
& I sincerely hope they all come true for you.

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

Beautiful sunrise.

A perfect cup of coffee.

Time to take your time.

That dang ! I look good, feel good  feeling.

A smile from your neighbor.

Little traffic with plenty of green lights.

Awesome background music.

Kindness from strangers.

Laughter with friends.

Delicious food choices.

Heartfelt thank yous and pleasant encounters.

A just because from a sweet soul.

Chirping birds and giggly children.

A happy, content heart.

Gorgeous sunset

& a whole lot of lovelies in between.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Embrace this moment.
Enjoy the nice
& have a very, VERY wonderful today !

