The Greatest

The Greatest

List the greatest compliments and encouragement you have ever been given … requested

& hmmm.

I was once dressed up all fancy for a wedding and as I was going about my getting to where I was going to biz, a YOU. LOOK. GORGEOUS.  danced it’s sincerity into my orbit. Thinking these words were surely meant for another, a soft-spoken friend placed himself directly onto my path and repeated. And since I had never, ever been dubbed gorgeous, this bit of happy still tickles my heartstrings.

And then there was the keep doing encourage-r with three, simple syllables that, to this day, fuel the writer in me. Keep. Doing.

& isn’t it funny how certain somethings stay in the brain … ?

Truth be told ? I sometimes save, to look at and experience again …


and I have occasionally wondered, if it’s more rewarding to bestow


Hope you don’t mind the rearrangement of this particular question, 52 Lists, for to give, makes me happy knowing I gifted you and to receive makes you happy knowing you gifted me. So as I continue my quest to give as good as I get … The Greatest, awaits.
