

Feels like the perfect day for a rerun.

Happy Birthday, America.

Somewhere down the line, I gave Pinterest the ok to send daily, picked just for me, updates and lately, they’ve been handing over a whole lotta this

& normally, I’ll glance and YaY and go about my day. But there was something within these particular words that caught my attention and zeroed me into specifics

Something. Wonderful. Is. Going. To. Happen. To. Me. Today.

hmmm.  I guess I can latch onto that and see what emerges

& so, I did.

I repeated and I repeated again and I kept on thinking YEP YEP !! THIS today is going to be AWESOME !!

& it was !!

My day before yesterday was filled with an incredible amount of simple happiness-es. A text from Sister, an offer of help, a picture I just happened to happen upon, beautifully hopeful words from Niece, encouraging exclamations from Daughter, an enthusiastic clerk at the checkout line, a voice, a song, a Wicker Walk …

& Helloooooo, Wonderful !!  You happened !!

& guess what ?? You happened on Saturday too !! and I’m pretty darn certain, you will happen today and tomorrow and allllll the days that follow because when I seek wonderful, I absolutely find wonderful. In every minute and in everything. In countless ways and sincere gestures. In people and places, in big and small. In laughter, in tears, in just because. In here. In now.

Something wonderful is going to happen to me today.

I know.

Oooooh, I know.


‘Cause Jesus Told Me So