Help Me Help You

Help Me Help You

I whisper each morning, to the stars, to the universe, to my friend, Jesus.

Help. Me. Help. You.

And I realize, I’m just one simple someone, trying my best to lead a good life, to love that neighbor as I love myself, to be a decent human being, to share kindness. And maybe, if I’m nice to you, you’ll be nice to her, she’ll be nice to him and a domino effect of delightful will follow.


right ???


it’s not.

And I often wonder why ?? is ?? it ?? NOT ??!!??

& so, here I be each a.m. plopped in front of this laptop, anticipating the sunrise, forever hoping for the elusive MAYBE

& I write.

Searching for the perfect combination of words.
Words that help.
Words that heal.
Words that touch and improve and appreciate and deliver.
Words you believe were written specifically for you and your moment.
Words that continue beyond my lifetime

I keep doing.
Keep chugging. Keep hoping.
& as I make my way through another gift of a day, I pay attention, I listen, I notice and appreciate !!

the artists
the lyricists
the singers
and songwriters.
The authors
the writers
and storytellers.
Children, nature and all the other simple someones out there trying their best to do right by this world.

Help me help you, I whisper each morning, to the stars, to the universe, to my friend, Jesus.

Help. Me. Help. YOU.


And When