Just Us

Just Us

On an early Sunday morn, as the other bodies in this house slept, we sat, relishing the quiet. No tv, no phones, no kids or busyness or noise. Just us.

She asked how I was, not in a random, uh-huh, uh-huh I don’t really care way, but with simple, genuine, I’m ready for whatever you have to offer. And even though we’ve had plenty of yaps since she entered my life all those years ago, it wasn’t until that whisper of a moment when I honest to goodness, really, truly, with every mushy mushy emotion I own, realized how blessed we are to call her ours.

She’s strong in ways I can’t even imagine, a take charge, step up, I’ll do it !! leader, FOR SURE and I very much appreciate this trait, as my vocalizing of words oftentimes get lost in transit. We are different in so many ways, yet alike in so many others, but the connection I feel with her is Pretty. Darn. Amazing. And on this March 9th, I need her to know, our shhhhh conversation on an early Sunday morning will live contentedly in my heart from now until forever.

Happy ! Happy ! M !!

Thanks for being so wonderfully YOU.


A Kiss On My Shoulder