Your Uplift

Your Uplift

I bumped into words of

as I was making my way through yesterday and I thought, boo. What a bummer. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if

was the vibe in everybody’s every day ?


The power of you’ve got this !! A weeeeee, I needed that !! nudge. Authenticity, at it’s best and brightest.
!! Ohmygosh !! Can you imagine what life would be like if the whole bunch of us walked around encouraging and encouraging and encouraging one another ??

! ! ! ! !

So, hey, do me a favor, as you wander around your 24, try the inspire with route. Zoom in on the good of that someone sitting next to you. Say something positive. You’ll be happy. Your receiver will be happy. Days will be brightened, lives can be changed and a domino effect of loveliness will begin right here, right now

& YaY

I appreciate your uplift.
