Grandson exclaimed as his bro and Grandpa nodded their heads in agreement. It WAS !! I chimed !!
🙂 It really was 🙂
& what exactly made this particular watching of the boys so darn fantastic ??!??
Maybe because we hadn’t seen each other since early July so, yeah, there were zillions of things we needed to catch up on. School and preschool details, favorite eats at lunch, who sits where, old friends, new bff-s, teachers and recess reviews kind of stuff. There was the baseball game we began those previous times that we absolutely, automatically, always continue and the backwards and forwards somersaults and cannonballs and fancy acrobatic pool moves they’ve learned. There was the steady stream of water poured upon Gramma Jacki’s head because she looks different with soaked hair and the giggles galore of Grandpa B’s silly jokes.
The pizza for dinner tasted yummier, the table conversation livelier, the bedtime routine and evening snuggles, grander. It was as if every tiny wonderfulness of spending time with those fellas was delightfully amplified.
But as I write these words on this perfectly new today, I think, simple things, It’s most definitely those simple things that make this life so doggone lovely
& yep, I realize there’s a whole bunch of BREAKING NEWS not so good this and that and that and this in this great big world, but if you can (and yes, you can !!) please, shhhh, just shhhh for a moment, quiet the noise and focus on the littles. I promise you, they are here, they are there, they are EVERYWHERE
& ahhhhh,
easing of your burden they’ll forever guarantee.
! So YaY ! Thanks, Grandboys !! I soooooo needed your awesome reminder !! We will for sure dub this the !! remember when we got locked out of the house for 10 minutes with that ever so brief moment of WHAT TO DO ?? but YAY Mama had a key so we didn’t have to call the key guy !! BEST SLEEPOVER EVER !!
& simpleness ??