My Favorite Number

My Favorite Number

Seven years ago today, it snowed. Yep. I remember it clear as day. Husband and I had decided to hold off on our travel to their state until we received THE call, no sense in getting there early and being in their way. Nope. We’d wait until labor began, then hit the road.


But then, it snowed. And then, the early morning call turned into an all day event and the weather folks advised it might not be wise to drive and those flakes I had put off shoveling became something that shouldn’t be ignored. So, gaaaaaa !! outside my phone and I tromped where our shovel-glance, shovel-glance, shovel-glance for updates dance began and I swear, that driveway never seemed as as L O N G as it did that evening. Finally done and settled into my recliner because there was nooooo way we were heading out now, I received the words I was happily anticipating. He is here. He is healthy ! & Gramma !! that very moment, I became

& wow.

Somewhere down our road this genuinely curious cutie asked, what’s your favorite number, Gramma Jacki ?? and before he entered my life, I’d have easily responded 26, for Billy Williams and even though Otis Wilson of the Chicago Bears happened to wear this number and yes, I am a tad bit obsessed with him too … hmmm … for whatever reason,  ! ! 55 ! ! spilled out of my mouth and has remained my response when asked this query by Grandson.




Until one day, out of the blue, he inquired how old I was the year he was born and ! epiphany ! my not all that into Arithmetic brain received !! as I whispered

… 55 …

Is that why 55 is your favorite number ? cause you were that year old when I was born ???

He loves football and just like his daddy and great grandma, Lorraine, those Buffalo Bills.

Baseball and basketball and chapter books and school and best friends on the playground and Lego’s and video games too. He’s extremely patient when he needs to be and not so much those rare other times. He’s kind and caring and sensitive and full of smiles, he’s very detailed in his thoughts and actions, loves his family so, soooooo much … and and and …

7 years ago today, it snowed and I became a first-time grandma.

Yep, Grandson.

55 IS my favorite number.


A Kiss On My Shoulder