All I Can Think About …

All I Can Think About …

are the children.

And I’m wondering, how does one explain January 6, 2021 to a 5 or 6 or 7 year old ? I mean,  SANTA arrived just 15 days ago !! and we got to stay up late last Thursday !! HAPPY NEW YEAR !! night and …

& what about those children or grandchildren of the individuals who decided TODAY, I shall storm the Capitol of the United States of America ?? of the lawmakers, huddled and hidden within those hallowed halls ?? of the aides and the helpers ?? of the first responders and the news reporters and the tv crews … and the …

I’m assuming every one of those folks have someplace they deem home, someone they call family and at the end of that VERY long day just what exactly was said to their little ones to help decipher those chaotic hours ?? and was that explanation given with compassion ? with hate ? with disgust ?? with calm ?? Were words spit out or whispered ?  and was hopefulness or helplessness expressed when that simple, genuine what happened ?? question was asked.

They’re like sponges, you know. They will absorb each and everything placed into those pure, untouched hearts, they will follow through on what Mommy or Daddy or Grandma or Grandpa or Auntie or Uncle or Cousin or Friend tell them is right, they will carry on, they will continue …

And all I can think about are the children.

A Kiss on My Shoulder