♥ Easy ♥

♥ Easy ♥

This being

one would figure my words would ! F L O W ! but for some strange reason, I am hitting a wall. Maybe it’s because writing about being nice and pleasant and cooperative is the message I try to convey most days, maybe it’s because I am finding it somewhat odd we humans need a ! remember to ! reminder, maybe it’s because something that should be completely, naturally embedded into our very core oftentimes seems so incredibly elusive.


Anyways, I googled the word kindness, hoping I’d find my nudge somewhere in it’s definition, but nope. My mind remains stubborn and insists on bumping me back to EASY.

Easy. Easy. Easy.

So instead of battling my inner WHY ?? and/or repeating inspirational phrases every writer on this planet will be quoting today, I shall zero in on how the babies, the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 year olds of this world would answer the question, what does kindness meanFor they know, they do, they ARE.

Every. Day.

All. The. Time.

They simply do not know any other way and it is there, we grownups need to focus our vibes, our energy, our being.

So, hey friends, how’s about on this wonderful Day of Kind, we try, just ! try ! to follow our young ones’ lead and become a teensy bit equal to their ways

& maybe, just maybe, next year on November 13th ??


♥ Easy ♥


