100 Pictures

100 Pictures

0 – 1

1 – 2

2 – 3

3 – 4

This is your fourth picture book, Grandson. Next time we visit, it will be all wrapped up but easily opened. You will most likely move on to the other sparkly package very quickly as this time capsule will hold your interest for only a few. Truth be told ? It’s meant more for your mama right now, anyway.

You see, I started this trend of “real” photos when your big brother first entered our lives because I prefer old-fashion, hold it in your hands, smudge and love to glancing through a phone. This way, you can see for yourself the many ways you’ve changed since you arrived 1,460 days ago, today.

Within these slots, I’ve tried my best to capture the energy of YOU  but that’s kinda, sorta impossible for what you bring to our table is so very unique. You’re our funny guy, our always moving, always (well, almost always) ball of smiles and laughter. You jump in and do without really thinking about it and yet, sometimes, out of nowhere, you shy away until you’re ready. You love books and super heroes, dinosaurs and quiet cuddling. You go go goooooooo and just like that, you’re fast asleep, recharging for tomorrow. You have a stubborn determination and a bubbling joy that’s giggly contagious. And your pure, powerful !! this is meeeeeee !! attitude is a delight to witness.

100 pictures fill this new book, Grandson and when you’re older, you’ll appreciate. But for now, just be YOU.  Your  4 – 5 pages can’t wait to see what’s next.


Happy Birthday ♥ T ♥