Three Banana Four

Three Banana Four

Tra la la tra la la la Tra la la tra la la la

I know the reference to this quirky tune will instantly tag my age

The Banana Splits

but I can’t stop myself, it’s been dancing through my brain for a few days now and I’m feeling the need to share.

And call it a funny little glitch in the food delivery service, call it human error. I prefer to call it a giggly moment in time and just roll with it. You see, what we ordered was 5 bananas, aka, one bunch.

What we received ??

Five bunches.

5 bunches = 24 bananas

& did you know ?

Well I’ll be a … monkey’s uncle I happily exclaimed, as I googled these interesting tidbits

& hmmm

Makes me wonder where this road would lead had I reacted with anger, with a WTH !! WHO’S GOING TO PAY FOR THIS mantra that seems to be the popular response these days …  I suppose I’d been offered a refund, I suppose somebody would be held responsible, I suppose I’d feel some sort of irate satisfaction, I suppose …

But it was a young someone’s very first day at his brand new job and a HUGE favor he did by gathering up groceries for me

& weeee.

It looks like I’ll be making Banana Bread today.

Tra la la tra la la la

! ! ! ! !

Anybody want some ??






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