Little Bitty Bit

Little Bitty Bit

I saw this beauty as I grabbed mail out of my mailbox the other day
& WoW
I just had to STOP everything !! and take a pic.

Just look at the detail.
The every little bitty bit of alllll those grains of sand and stuff.

It’s amazing is what it is.

Imagine the time involved.
The cooperation, the coordination

& if a random rain storm with it’s gusts of wind or a meanie of a human being happened along and wiped away their masterpiece ?
Those teeny, tiny guys would be right back at it, working together to make things right again.

Google tells me the average ant is about one-millionth the size of a person
& although queens can live for decades, males live for only a few weeks and workers, months.

Uh huh.
Let that one sink in.

Oh Life.
You are forever handing out simple, priceless lessons.

Here’s hoping we one day listen. Here’s hoping we one day learn.

Simple Things