Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thy Neighbor

It sounds so incredibly easy
& as I sit here in the early morning quiet anticipating today’s sunrise, I am absolutely dumbfounded as to why some find this so difficult.

Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Well, duh.
What’s so hard about that ??

What is so hard about that ??

& yet, here we are.
Clamoring about in a world where love often seems astonishingly elusive, extremely impossible.

Why ?


To love and to be loved is THE most precious feeling in this whole entire universe !
There ain’t nothing that tops that joy.
It is priceless.
It is true.
It is gold

so …
so ???
So what’s the problem, my people who prefer to hate ?
WHY would you choose dark over bright ?
Dismal over Delightful ?
Ugly over Beautiful ?

why ?

I’ll never understand it.
But, I’ll certainly do my best to try.
Because I choose to love.

I love myself.
I love my neighbor.
I love my neighbor as myself.


It is powerful.
It is eye opening.
It is remarkable and amazing
& so very, very, very,

It’s easy if you try.

‘Cause Jesus Told Me So