In Quietness

In Quietness

Truth be told, it breaks my heart

This being THE most blessed day of them alllll and he, THE most devoted Catholic I have ever known, participating in an Easter mass via his Kindle screen. And as he is patiently ok with this just being the way it is, I silently ache for him and for those other wonderful souls who are doing and thinking the same

& I growl, how DARE you take this away from them, COVID-19 ??!!?

And just when I’m about to let fear and anger and WHY IS THIS HAPPENING ???!!?? take over my brain, I stumble across these most amazing words

and I am beautifully reminded, yet again,


Everywhere. And Everything. He is YOU. He’s Me. He is sunshine and warmth and patience and ability. He is the sky. He is the moon. He’s stars and critters, trees and fields. He’s rivers and mountains and every blade of grass. He’s a baby’s cry and children’s laughter. He is rain and snow, loud and tranquil. He’s uniqueness and caring and colors and sincerity and He’s right here.


with us, every single moment of every single day and maybe, just maybe, He’s nudging, He’s whispering.

His tomb is empty.

The churches are empty

& shhh.


With You For You And You