Beat. Beat. Beat …

Beat. Beat. Beat …

Talk about a delightful paragraph.



What an incredible blessing

& why we aren’t dancing in the streets all day, every day over this amazing factual feat is beyond me. Seems we’d rather grump and gripe and complain.


But this takes me back to a conversation I had a few years ago with the man I call Dad. He and I were talking about life and death and Heaven and such
& what he told me that day remains embedded in my head.
I think it is beautiful
& today, I’d like to share.

Dad believes when we are born, we are each given a number.
A heartbeat number. Some may get a high count, many get average and some get only a few. We don’t know our number.
We can’t control it. But it’s a precious, priceless gift, so please, be thankful.

Which segues me into a very inspirational song titled, We Live On Borrowed Time because it too shows an amazing way of looking at life.

no one can be sure when the loan will finally come due

I have this song on repeat in my brain because it is so darn perfect
& so very true.

We don’t know our heartbeat number.
We don’t know WHEN.

We ! Don’t ! Know !

& isn’t that just positively wonderful ??

We don’t know.

It’s such an optimistic way of seeing, of living.

We. Don’t. Know.

Maybe it’s time to realize.
Maybe it’s time to treasure.
Maybe it’s time to enjoy every single one of those beat, beat, beats.

Hey, anybody want to dance ??!?


Cause Jesus Told Me So